Saturday, November 2, 2013

Welcome to All A-Baht Thailand

Hello fellow adventurers, risk enthusiasts and lovers of Jehovah. We hope you come along with us on our journey to Thailand. I can guarantee you there will be plenty of funny stories and of course many food pictures. It will also be away for you to communicate with us too! You can receive emails when we post new stories by entering your email in the "follow by email" tab to the right. We will miss you all dearly but fear not we will be back before you know it. Thank you all for supporting us with this adventure. Love you lots! {Juli}


  1. So cute! Excited to read about all your adventures ^_^ love Tay and Trin

  2. Let me know if you meet any savoniemi's

  3. I hope you blog every day :) Can I be a guest blogger when I get there? :) Love you guys.

  4. Have a great time and look forward to seeing pics and hearing stories
    Judy and Dwight

  5. Congratulations everyone! You betcha I'm going to follow every post :)

  6. I will definitely be living vicariously through you so make it fun for me! I'm looking forward to it :)

  7. Ahhhh!!!! So excited for you guys!!!!

  8. Finally figured this whole blog thing out! I'm following you religiously:)!!
